Pyper Braly

Pyper Braly was born and raised in Colorado and moved to North Carolina in 2007 to attend the NASCAR Technical Institute. She received a degree in automotive technology from the Institute and went on to work for NASCAR for three years, becoming one of the first women to work as a rear tire changer. A change of heart brought her to New York and to NYSID. In 2015, Pyper founded PB Drafting Design,  a company that specialized in auto Cad drafting.

What was your impression a few months after you started the program?
It was more than what I expected. It was very hands-on and there’s a lot of work. It was a great experience; the professors were so good. It was really hard but really fun. And I loved that I was able to use my imagination to create an environment. I really liked taking something so simple and transforming it into something beautiful.

What were you doing before coming to NYSID?
I was a rear tire changer for NASCAR before I went to NYSID. It was a job that requires taking on and off two 60-pound tires in 14 seconds. Not only was it very physically demanding but also the car racing industry was not doing well and many jobs were being cut. So I decided it wasn’t going to work for me as a long-term career.

I always wanted to go to school for interior design and I wanted to get a job I could rely on. It's something I’ve always had a passion for, so I decided I should stop and pay attention to that instead of letting it go by. I had a good feeling about NYSID right from the start. I liked that the College was dedicated just to interior design and that it was in New York. I’m originally from Colorado, so city life was completely new for me. It's definitely more fast-paced than I'm used to, but I find it fascinating.

Why was the BID program right for you?
Since I didn’t have a portfolio, the BID program was a way to build one and really get a feel for interior design and make sure it’s what I want to do. I didn’t want to spend a substantial amount of money on something that I wasn’t 100 percent sure about. And, after a few months, I really felt it was the right thing. I definitely plan to continue my studies and go on to get either an Associate’s or BFA degree.