Institute for Continuing and Professional Studies  

NYSID's Institute for Continuing and Professional Studies (ICPS) is here to guide your learning journey based on what you want to accomplish. 

With 100+ courses, ICPS has something for everyone, whether you are a professional looking to sharpen your skills, a design enthusiast seeking to nourish your passion, or you're interested in pursuing a career in interior design. 

Our various in-person and online courses focus on all aspects of interior design and its related fields. We offer classes in designer essentials, color theory, lighting, advanced technology, and many more topics. All classes are taught by NYSID’s accomplished faculty of interior designers, architects, visual artists, and art and design historians. 

View all the courses on our catalog, which can be filtered by category to find exactly what you are looking for. 

Online and on-site classes available.

For Academic Credit Courses 

If you want to pursue a degree in interior design but are unsure where to start, you can take courses on a non-matriculated basis. You may take up to 12 credits at the undergraduate level as a non-matriculated student, which means you have not yet applied or have not yet been accepted to a program. Courses taken on a non-matriculated basis can be applied to one of our undergraduate programs.